NAND Flash相關業者預期農曆年後市場將受到淡季效應的影響,第二季市況將較第一季為疲軟,但NAND Flash供應商在今年上半年將延續暫緩新產能擴充計畫來減緩市場的供給成長率,因此NAND Flash價格將大致呈現緩跌,下半年在智慧型手機、平板電腦與Ultrabook新機上市所帶動的備貨效應下需求將逐步加溫,NAND Flash價格也可望自第三季回穩...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 2H'Feb. NAND Flash contract prices...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 2H'Jan. NAND Flash contract price...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, despite the coming slow season for consumer electronics...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, compared to past results, 1H'Jan. mainstream NAND Flash contract prices...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 1H'Dec. mainstream NAND Flash contract price...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 2H' Nov. mainstream NAND Flash average contract price...
目前NAND Flash供應商對2013年的市場需求及資本支出持保守的態度,主要仍將採用製程技術升級來提高位元產出量,以強化成本的競爭力來減緩價格下跌對獲利率的影響,集邦科技(TrendForce)預估全球NAND Flash市場位元供給量將由2012年的14,858 M 16Gb equiv.成長41.1% YoY成為2013年的20,960 M 16Gb equiv...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 1H' Nov. mainstream NAND Flash contract price...
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, 2H' Oct. mainstream NAND Flash contract price...